Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Does age really matter?

Recently a friend of mine asked me to introduced guys to her. Apart from the usual requirements of being good looking, humorous and the like, she said that he has to be older than her.

It made me think. Does age really matter? In this day and age when everybody wants to be equal, does the guy need to be older than the gal? Are older guys perceived as being more mature/stable? Does the guy necessarily need to earn more than their other half? If you like that guy and everything is spot on, do you walk away just cause he's younger?

I know some older people, regardless of their gender, who are more childish and myopic compared to their younger peers. There are older people who will force their opinions or thoughts down other people's throat regardless of how unreasonable it can be. The really matured ones are those who listen and digest carefully what is said before giving their 2 cents worth.

The age of a person should not be a measure of anything other than being when they were born.

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