Tuesday, April 1, 2008

What the!?

I saw this on a HUGE billboard by the highway. It's actually a billboard for a restaurant. (I'll try to snap some pix soon). The establishment is trying to entice customers by using the phrase
What happen's here, stay's here.

As promised, picture of the offending billboard.

I mean, it's a restaurant not some sleaze joint. Guess the guy who came up with it liked the phrase, 'What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas'. He/she must be feeling very smug. Talk about punctuations. To further add salt to the wound, these billboards are cheap. We're talking like tens of thousands of ringgit a day!!

I feel like calling up the restaurant to get the contacts of the advertising agency. Then call up the agency and embarrass them for what they are worth. ;-)

My bro told me about this book titled, 'Eats, shoots and leaves', and we're talking about a panda. Want to know what's a panda, click here. Ladies and gentlemen, the comma, IS important. Punctuations are there for a reason, not decorations or so that you can catch your breath when you read a long sentence.

We always get forwarded mails showing horribly translated signage from other countries. But I think we don't have to look so far. We've got plenty right here at home. I'm no grammatical guru myself, far form it actually. But when in doubt, use spell check. It's there for a reason.

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