Saturday, April 12, 2008

I'll get some sleep if it kills me

That's what Donald Duck said at one point. While searching for some cartoons for my kids, I came across this oldie that's as good today as it was many many years back when I was a kid.

I'm sure some or most of us have gone through it. You need to wake up early the next day, so you decide to sleep early. But, the clock's incessant ticking becomes deafening, the dripping faucets and crickets cause a cacophony. You toss and turn the whole night as the hours go by. You will yourself to sleep, but....sigh.

Anyway, they don't make cartoons like they used to. I find that the older cartoons have more character and more expressive facial expressions. I guess Donald has toned down from being the grumpy old duck he's famous for.

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