Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tainted milk. How did this happen?

How on earth can a substance, that is supposed to be used in the making of plastics find its way into milk powder? Who in their right minds would do that? How can anybody do such a thing so that the protein content in the milk powder appears higher than it actually is?

Being a Chinese myself, it is really a disgrace to read of such reports. The Chinese have been branded as unscrupulous and will stop at nothing to make a buck. And this just goes to add weight to that argument. We should never be prejudice and lump them all together. But just thinking of the number of sick babies out there.........Where is the humanity in all of this? Why are innocent children made to suffer???!!!!

Granted that life is tough and everything is very competitive, but knowingly tainting a product to appear as what it is not.....words really fail me. Time and time again, China has proved itself. Nothing changes. And at this point, there are still loads of finger pointing as to why this happened. That the authorities were not notified earlier. Consumers were already making complaints since December!! How much heads up do you need??!!! Want to know the main reason all of this happened? Only one. GREED!!!!

And the government is in full swing now, trying to clear up its mess by firing officials. I do wonder if these officials are fired because the did not do their job, or because these dismissed officers have information that could lead to the fall off people higher up in the food chain.

The Chinese Premier has said that he will mete out stiff penalties if such incidents were to happen again. Stiff? How stiff? Send them to prison? It's just prison time. Slap a hefty fine? They can pay their way out of it. Sending them to the firing squad is more like it.

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